Best Flat Water Kayaking in Northern California
Northern California houses more than 3,000 lakes that contain flat water kayaking. WOW! That is a lot of opportunity, so where should you begin?
The best flat water kayaking in Northern California is found in Lake Tahoe, around Mammoth Lakes, in Bridgeport, and along highway 395. The best bodies of water to flat water kayak on are Emerald Bay, Twin Lakes, Convict Lake, Zephyr Cover, and Maggies Lake. All of these lakes are protected from the wind, have easy water access to launch your boat, and have views that will leave you speechless.
Read on to discover where these flat water locations are, what makes them special, and additional activities in the area.
Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe
Directions to Emerald Bay:
Driving directions to Emerald Bay
Water Access to Emerald bay:
Water access to Emerald Bay requires a two mile hike. So, if you are bringing your own kayak, make sure to bring a dolly or a foldable kayak so you do not have to make two trips. The hike to the water is downhill on your way to the beach and all up hill to return to your vehicle. NOTE: if you do not want to carry your own kayaks, there are some for rent at the beach.
Once you are at the beach of Emerald Bay, the launch is easy from a sandy beach.
Why is emerald bay one of the best flat water kayaking locations:
Emerald Bay is a protected bay on the west shore of Lake Tahoe. The waters are an emerald color, hence the name, and is protected from the wind. Surrounded by evergreens, this bay is a popular destination in Lake Tahoe, however few actually spend time kayaking on the blue waters.
Additionally, Emerald Bay has an island you can explore, by kayaking to, in the center of the bay. If you are feeling adventurous, you can cliff jump off the island into the crisp waters.
Another cool thing to do while kayaking the flat waters of Emerald Bay is to find the sunken ship along the south-east shore of Emerald Bay. This ship is a hot spot for SCUBA divers and free-divers. If you can find the red bouy, this marks the spot of the sunken ship in Emerald Bay.
Don’t miss out on these other adventures nearby:
Twin Lakes in Bridgeport
Directions to Twin Lakes:
Driving directions to Twin Lakes
Water Access to Twin Lakes:
Twin Lakes in Bridgeport, CA has some of the easiest accessed flat water kayaking. You can launch a kayak, for free, from the shore as most pull outs have a trail leading to the water. If you would like a dock and a ramp, you can go to the campground for paid launch.
Why is Twin Lakes one of the best flat water kayaking locations:
Kayaking on Twin Lakes is one of the best flat water kayaking spots of Northern California because the mountain backdrop is one of a kind. The jagged peaks to the west of Twin Lakes is called the Sawtooth Range, which is home to some of the best rock climbing in the High Sierra. Additionally, Twin Lakes and the town of Bridgeport are “off the map” for mainstream tourism, so the area is quiet and tranquil.
After a long day of kayaking on Twin Lakes you can soak your sore muscles in Travertine Hot Springs or Buckeye Hot Spring.
Lastly, Twin Lakes is an amazing area to kayak in because there is splendid free camping in the area as well as several paid campgrounds with bathrooms.
Don’t miss out on these other adventures nearby:
Climb Matterhorn Peak
Hot Spring at Buckeye
Mammoth Lakes
Directions to Mammoth Lakes:
Driving directions to Mammoth Lakes
Water Access to Mammoth Lakes:
Accessing the flat waters of Mammoth Lakes is incredibly easy via boat ramps, docks, and sandy beaches. Boasting as one of the premier winter and summer destinations in the Eastern Sierra, Mammoth Lakes is a hot spot for flat water kayaking.
Why is Mammoth Lakes one of the best flat water kayaking locations:
Mammoth Lakes is one of the most visited destination of the Eastern Sierra because this mountain town boast of the calmest waters to flat water kayak upon. The chain of five lakes are all incredibly well protected from the wind by the Eastern Sierra Mountains and the large evergreens that inhabit the shores of these lakes. Additionally, all of the lakes you can kayak on have access to camping and bathrooms.
Much of Mammoth Lakes is on a first come, first serve basis. Since Mammoth Lakes is a popular place for tourism, make sure to show up early and claim a parking spot alongside these stunning mountain lakes.
Don’t miss out on these other adventures nearby:
Soak in Wild Willy’s Hot Spring
Rock Climb at Crystal Crag
Mountain Bike in the Eastern Sierra
Convict Lake
Directions to Convict Lake:
Driving directions to Convict Lake
Water Access to Convict Lake:
Accessing the waters at Convict Lake are easy. There is a dock you can launch your boat from and there is a shale beach on the far side of the lake where you can also launch. With a road lining the south banks of Convict Lake, all access to the water is a short walk.
Why is Convict Lake one of the best flat water kayaking locations:
Convict Lake has some of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen. The morning light lands upon the swirled colored granite peak in the distance, shining a burnt red. The stillness of the morning creates a reflection on the lake that goes undisturbed, unless you are kayaking on the water.
The origin of this lakes name, Convict lake, comes from a community of outlaws who used this lake as a hide out. For years, they were able to remain hidden from the law and often took in other convicts who were on the run. Today, this lake is a campground for adventure seekers.
What makes Convict Lake one of the best flat water kayaking destinations in California is the calm and clear water. Often this lake is so smooth it reflects the mountains. In addition to the reflection, there is an aspen grove alongside the lakes south bank, making the colors in the fall exquisite.
Don’t miss out on these other adventures nearby:
Soak in Wild Willy’s Hot Spring
Hike to Convict Lake Waterfall
Zephyr Cove in Lake Tahoe
Directions to Zephyr Cove:
Driving directions to Zephyr Cove
Water Access to Zephyr Cove:
Accessing Zephyr Cover with a kayak will take some strength because the hike in is roughly a half mile. I suggest bringing a dolly to carry your kayak. Once to the cove, you will need to take a flight of stairs to the sandy beach. From there, launching is easy, just watch out for the shallow rocks on a low water year.
Why is Zephyr Cove one of the best flat water kayaking locations:
Zephyr Cove is one of the best flat water kayaking locations because the crowds are small, the water is clear enough to see granite boulders underneath you, and the sunsets are one’s that make you stop and watch.
Positioned on the east shore of Lake Tahoe, Zephyr Cove often offers calm waters that can be paddled on easily. Additionally, the cove has several large boulders that get your heart pumping as you paddle overtop of them. I mean, how cool is it that you get to kayak over boulders while flat water kayaking?
Lastly, what makes Zephyr Cover kayaking special for me is that fact that you can watch the sunset, with very few people around you. You can’t say this very often while at a beach in Lake Tahoe.
Don’t miss out on these other adventures nearby:
Rock Climb at Lover’s Leap
Now that you have discover where these flat water locations are, what makes them special, and additional activities in the area, it is time for you to explore the best flat water kayaking in Northern California for yourself. Drop a comment below with some of your favorite flat water kayaking adventures, or with additional information that would be helpful for others.