The Balance of Fire | Learning to Recognize the Cycles in Life
Cycles define our lives. We ebb and flow, much like the tides pulled by the moon’s gravity. Some cycles are short, while others last a lifetime. Our relationships, our work, our creativity all require attention (the flowing) and withdrawal (the ebbing). Recently, I have been wondering what would it take to control these cycles. Are they controllable? Well, my intuition lands on a simple answer, no. No, I do not think we can control these cycles, but we can learn to recognize and embrace each orbit.
Defining a cycle
By no means am I a scholar, or a practitioner, of the Hindu tradition or Buddhism, however, both teachings reference a cycle in relationship to our spirit. Both of these teachings focus on a multi-life experience upon this planet. What we do in this life, directs how we will be present in the next. Moving away from the dogma, yet applying the concept to a single life, we begin noticing how our actions are apart of a cycle. Remaining on a grand scale of a single life, the cycle transitions from no-life to creation to no-life. The cycle is also present in something as routine as making a meal, no-meal to meal to no-meal. Now, how do we begin recognizing a cycle?
Recognizing a cycle
As cycles come in levels of complexity and length, becoming aware of a cycle adds to the layers of awareness in a person’s life. To begin recognizing, we must be open. To be open means, we are able to reflect upon our actions without an emotional connection. To do so forgiveness must be granted and boundless love must be shared. Cycles follow a similar pattern, which are ingredients, balance, and imbalance. To maintain consistency, I will use a fire metaphor.
The Fire
The cycle of a fire is much like life. There is no fire until the building blocks come together; a fuel source, oxygen, and heat. Once these building blocks come into contact with each other under the correct conditions, a fire begins. The duration and size of fire depend upon the building blocks. Once there is an imbalance, too much or too little, of a block then the fire extinguishes. The fire may have passed, but the cycle has not ended. Once the conditions are just right, another fire will burn.
What does it take for a cycle to exist? For a fire, those ingredients are a fuel source, oxygen, and heat. For tea, those ingredients are boiling water, parts of the tea plant, a vessel to mix the parts and water. The number of ingredients dictates the complexity of a cycle. The complexity I am referencing is the likelihood of the ingredients finding the balance for a cycle to spin another orbit. One important consideration when looking at ingredients is to remain objective. For a cycle to exist, it only needs the building block. The subjective considerations are the nuances that define the duration and size of a cycle, which are important when trying to control a cycle but clutter the mind when trying to recognize a cycle.
For a cycle to begin, a balance must occur within a spectrum of acceptable ingredients. Notice, there is not a need for perfect conditions, only the need to fit within an acceptable range. Discovering the balance of a cycle follows the scientific method. If we know the ingredients, then all we have to do is continually test different conditions until the cycle begins.
If a cycle is currently flowing, then the way for it to stop is through an imbalance. As a fire loses oxygen, it will suffocate. As a fire burns all of its fuel, it will extinguish. As a fire is zapped of its heat, the fire will freeze. These imbalances are the cause of growth and destruction. If a fire is in a controlled fire pit, then the lack of surplus will not allow the fire to grow. Yet, once there is an abundance of ingredients, then there will be exponential growth, as is the case in a forest fire. The defining characteristic of imbalance is its ability to grow or destroy a cycle, but isn’t all growth destruction?
Why should we recognize cycles?
Recognizing cycles adds a layer to the recognition of this planet, society, and our own life. We may become aware of the cycles of love. We may become aware of the cycle of the stock market. We may become aware of the cycles of rain. Each cycle we begin to recognize helps us make decisions for the future. They help us plant our crops, invest our money, and share our hearts. As an open person, you will begin connecting with more than your needs, but the needs of others. These others are not only other humans but are everything from your dog to your food to your world. So, why wouldn’t you want to be able to recognize cycles?