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Beach Camping in Baja, Mexico for Ford

Beach Camping in Baja, Mexico for Ford

We had been in Baja, Mexico surfing and camping on the beach for the 9 days creating content for the Ford Bronco ambassador hype video. However, this morning was a bit different. We had no plans. As a group, we had been photographing and recording video every day for the bulk of each day in hopes of creating the best content we possibly could. But, we had some down days.

Ironically, when you are in a routine of creating content all day, every day, your camera never leaves your side. At least that is the case for myself. So, what do you think happened? Well, the Bronco was already in the perfect spot on the cliff and the coffee cups were steaming, so I left the conversation and started snapping away. Not much needed to change, liked the natural feel of the set. Heck, it was natural, which is why the beach camping vibes probably worked so well.

Jump forward ten months. I am sitting behind my computer going through my archive, specially looking at Baja, Mexico photographs to research and build a pitch deck for another project. Even though I have taken over 100,000 images since this morning on the beach, I still remember it… kinda. Being on shoots like this one, you get tired and a bit delirious. Your brain has been working so hard for so long, you honestly forget what you have shot. So, you keep shooting because you think you haven’t taken the image before. You’re deep in the flow state.

The morning was cool and crisp as a golden light broke the horizon line. I shuffled around quickly, directing Kristin and Andrew into position. A half step here, open your chest, and push your hand out a little bit more. Yes, images like this are staged, but just a little. We were actually there in Baja. We were actually camping on the beach. This wasn’t a set. We still had to cook our own breakfast and make our own coffee. It was like we were just friends, hanging out on the beach, ready to catch some waves.

The only difference, I had a camera to capture it.

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Choosing the Right Season for Baja Camping

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