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Did Nat Geo Deliver on Lost in the Arctic?

Did Nat Geo Deliver on Lost in the Arctic?

Filmmaker, Renan Ozturk, and writer, Mark Synnott, tried to achieve the impossible again, but this time it was in the ocean.

A few years back, Renan and Mark chased down a lead for National Geographic on Mount Everest. Making the film The Ghost Above, which told the story of an ongoing search to find bodies on Everest that could, and would, change history forever. However, they came up short; no body.

Now, Mark and Renan are at it again with the new National Geographic film Lost in the Arctic. A film documenting the trials and tribulations of retracing the footsteps of legendary Arctic explorer John Franklin. 

But, will they find a body this time?

To do this, the crew set sail from the East Coast of the United States and picked up on the last known whereabouts of Franklin's expedition. Exploring, what are now, deserted fishing villages, the crew of explorers wanted to find the answer to the unsolved mystery of, "What happened to John Franklin and his crew?"

Did they achieve it? I'll let you watch the 48-minute film that keeps you on the edge of your seat as this crew gets trapped in the ice, rides ATVs, and uses the latest drone technology to search for the tomb of John Franklin.

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