Fifty Questions to Ask Yourself: When You’re Questioning Your Path
When we begin questioning the path we are on, oftentimes it is because we are in downtime, or are not seeing the results we had expected. The fifty questions below are a way to work through these downtimes and remind ourselves of what we are capable of doing, remind ourselves of the successes we have had, and to begin pointing your compass towards your true north.
Who are five people that influence me?
Who are five people that I look up to?
Who do I wish to become?
Who am I afraid to become?
Who has helped me grow?
Who can have achieved what I want to achieve?
Who will help me through this transition?
Who can I help?
Who can I mentor?
Who will hire me?
What is this path supposed to look like?
What do I do when I am bored?
What are the three goals I have?
What am I afraid to do?
What have I recently achieved that helped me grow?
What holds me back?
What am I good at/have a passion for doing?
What can I teach?
What can I give away, for free, that will help others grow?
What is the am I not willing to give up to pursue my dreams?
Where does my favorite food come from?
Where does my least favorite food come from?
Where do I want to live?
Where do I not want to live?
Where do I wish I was right now?
Where do I need to be to achieve my goals?
Where do my dreams take me?
Where can I add discipline to my life?
Where are the people who I can help?
Where do I not what to be in life?
When can I start?
When will I consider myself able to move onto the next thing?
When can I begin teaching others?
When am I finished with the path I am on?
When will I know if I am on the correct path?
When was my last success?
When was my last challenge?
When was my last celebratory worthy moment?
When will I reach the next celebratory worthy moment?
When will I have time for reflection?
Why have I not changed my course?
Why do I fear to do something?
Why do I not want to become… (see the answer to question 4 under “who”)?
Why am I questioning my current path?
Why did I begin this path?
Why am I willing to change paths? Or, why am I not willing to change paths?
Why can’t I change paths? Or, why can I change paths?
Why am I excited about tomorrow? A month from now? A year from now?
Why have I committed to my last three biggest commitments?
Why do I love the current path I am on?
Now that you have taken the time to sit down and think about what, where, when, and why you are on your current path, what is your plan of action? Where do you go next? Take some time to map this out and begin pursuing your dream!